Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Let's Get Physical

Up until now, gloomy skies and chilly temperatures have tricked us into believing spring will never come, but the reality is it's almost May and summer is actually just around the corner.

And summer = lazy weekends at the beach, a terrifying thought for those of us who have successfully hidden our pasty physiques under layers of oversized winter wear for the past six months.

If you’re not a gym rat but want to be bathing suit-ready by June, yoga is a great alternative to boring treadmills and pumping iron next to grunting guys who turn into cavemen once they step foot in the weight room. I mean, is it necessary for your sweat to literally rain on me while I'm innocently curling my 5 lb. dumbbells? But, I digress.

Fabulously Frugal reader Noelle recommends stengthening your core with yoga classes at Yoga to the People, which has studios in NYC and Berkeley, CA.

Yoga sessions at many studios can run upwards of $45 a pop, so Yoga to the People has found a solution so that people can afford yoga on a more regular basis. Classes are a suggested donation of $10, but no one will notice if you can only muster a few dollars in leftover laundry money.

Noelle says, "I went to the one on St. Mark's. And it's a suggested donation. So sometimes I paid $2, sometimes $8 depending on my money sitch that day. It's a great workout but it's always SUPER crowded...You will SWEAT!"

Some tips to know before you go:

-Bring your own mat; there's a $2 rental fee
-Arrive early; classes fill up quickly
-Be prepared to have your fellow yogis mere inches from you (see photo courtesy of the YTTP website). YTTP is popular!

Check out Yoga to the People's schedule. And for the crazy yogis out there, YTTP hot yoga classes are available at two midtown Manhattan locations. Details can be found on the YTTP website.

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