Friday, May 8, 2009

Friday's Fabulously Frugal Featured Reader: Bridget Gonzalez

In honor of Mother’s Day, today’s FF featured reader is... a mom. Bridget Gonzalez, an expert homemaker (as mother to my roommate, our apartment is never more spotless than after her visits) and frugal mom, shares some of the money-saving tips she employs every day.

-Use technology. "I like the use of technology. I'm a fan of the new grocery store technology that provides a running tally of your purchases with a handheld computer so the customer is able to double-check if the item is really on sale. I know the prices of items in each of the local grocery stores and I won't buy an item unless it is sold at its lowest cost."

-Don't underestimate the power of Amazon. "I utilize the Amazon database to make sure that I'm getting the lowest price on sale items. It's not critical that I get the bargain basement price on everything, just that I'm not overpaying for items."

-Time is money. "I think that time = money or vice versa. You can bank a lot of money if you don't waste time. I think that online banking is great because it saves time and paper. I like online alert emails that inform people about traffic." --You also are better informed of your account status if you can easily check it online!

-Trust the experts. It's okay not to know all the answers. Bridget says, "I like financial advice from Suze Orman and Dave Ramsey."

-Share money-saving tips with friends and family. "I share money-saving tips with my family and they share their money saving tips with me. It's like swapping recipes: recipes for success."

Don’t forget to call your moms on Sunday!

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